Tag Archives for " love "

Ten Things I Tell Myself to Remember Around Parenting

How do I love these children as much as I can? How do kids learn things that connect with their souls? How do the fireflies of inspiration spark their spirits? Can I help keep those iridescent

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Uplifting the Next Generation and Gently Changing the Course of History during a Global Pandemic

So, here we are now in this moment and we have the power to make everything change, we can do things differently. In an instant we have the choice to think about how we show up. Even if we are completely

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Unschooling and the Fear of Failing

I heard a lovely interview on the radio the other day with a man whom I think is brilliant. He is Sugata Mitra and he won the TED Prize to work on something called S.O.L.E. projects. Which stands for Self-Organised

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Step Back and Give Them Freedom

    ‘Please put your shoes on’ were the words that came out of my mouth, we were about to walk to the beach. My son in his pyjama trousers, bare footed, free spirited. There are days

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The Way I Talk to My Kids Matters.

    Simply put, if you talk to them with respect, they flourish.   I don’t want to go for a long walk. Yes but you have to. Why. Because I said so.   If you said that to me you might

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Four Points to Fearless Living…

Fear and I have been really good mates, the fearful lady has lived rent free in my head for a long time, in fact the fearful lady over the years has entertained my inner gremlins and had a party in my

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A confidence crisis in the heart of Italy and how to be a girl cricketer.

The other day we were invited in to Perugia to go to a cricket match in a tiny weeny street in Perugia. We fell upon an international oasis of joy. There was an Australian team, headed up by one Australian

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