Tag Archives for " changemakers "

Uplifting the Next Generation and Gently Changing the Course of History during a Global Pandemic

So, here we are now in this moment and we have the power to make everything change, we can do things differently. In an instant we have the choice to think about how we show up. Even if we are completely

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You don’t need school to learn maths.

There is so much available, it is all there for free, isn’t that amazing!? Education for everyone who has a phone and an internet connection. Everyone can learn at their own pace. It is all out there

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Some of your questions answered about Unschooling

Are you taking the kids out of society if they are not in school? Schooling is not the only gateway to social interaction or societal involvement. So yes we are definitely part of society. If you see society

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That moment when the whole family go VEGAN…

It was one lunch time sitting around the table that my husband started talking about values and that we don’t always do what we say we do, even though we really try to. He went on to talk about the parmesan,

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