Tag Archives for " control "

Step Back and Give Them Freedom

    ‘Please put your shoes on’ were the words that came out of my mouth, we were about to walk to the beach. My son in his pyjama trousers, bare footed, free spirited. There are days

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The First Step Toward Unschooling: Unschooling the Parents.

‘Just let me live my life’ were the words that came out of my sons mouth yesterday as I tried to teach him about following a recipe. He was furious. He was wanting to cook, I was wanting to help him

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When our children are not our children and the fine art of letting go…

It is still a learning journey for me around this one, intellectually I know it but deep down I have to wrestle the control freak in me to the ground. The one that thinks, well as I like to go out and

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