Tag Archives for " freedom "


What does it mean to be self directed? Most people consider that they are self directed. They will believe they make decisions freely for themselves and their families and that they are autonomous in their

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Not Back to School

We are not going to the shops and buying school clothes for the next year, our kids are not mentally preparing themselves for what lies ahead in a few weeks, shoes are not getting shined, shirts not ironed,

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How do Unschoolers take Exams?

Who knew that learning could be this easy, I know that there will be subjects that will tax the very limits of their brain but the lovely thing is, it comes from them. This is self directed learning, this

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Step Back and Give Them Freedom

    ‘Please put your shoes on’ were the words that came out of my mouth, we were about to walk to the beach. My son in his pyjama trousers, bare footed, free spirited. There are days

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When sending your kids to school is just not working out anymore

Perhaps it is time to jump? Whilst sending our children to school I had a nagging feeling that I wasn’t telling the truth, to them or to myself. Do I have to go to school? Fake me; Yes Real Me; (No)

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A Parent’s Guide on how to make your children love reading. (Don’t)

The first thing I would say is don’t make children love reading, you can’t. Support their natural inspiration and drive to learn to read because they are curious and they want to. Some ideas on how

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Freedom and the Free Mind

The book is coming out soon and my thoughts have turned to a key question about raising kids and what might we mean when we say we want them to be ‘free’? This led me to ask what is a ‘free’

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What on Earth is a Good Education?

  I came across a Buddhist educational blog this week. One thread on the blog was about education so I had a look around. What jumped out straight away was the proposition that children should be

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Life Without School

Our children do not go to school and they love it. They have no uniforms, there is no homework to be done, no tests to be taken, no sticker charts, no lunch boxes to pack, no exams to pass. If schooling

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Children read when they are ready

I read to our daughters till they were eleven. I sat up at night, read books, tantalized them with stories. There was always that nagging feeling, that school-like gremlin of mine that would tap me on

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