Tag Archives for " science "

Our Unschoolers want projects! Ideas for Project Based Learning.

So last night as I tucked the kids in to bed one of my daughters said.   ‘Mummy, I want homework. Could you give me a project, make me do it and if I don’t do it be really mean to me?’ We both

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Why we Hackschool and don’t bring traditional schooling in to our home

I want to explain that I won’t cry my eyes out and become very cross and upset if my son cannot read well yet, or even if he can’t get there in the next year, he is 10. Or if my daughters at

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Learning to step in to the boy’s world…

There is so much about being a mother of a boy that I don’t understand, that is not inherently in my bones, that I sometimes have to turn to my husband and ask ‘what is this boy thing all about?’

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