Tag Archives for " Ted Talks "

Great Websites for Homeschoolers, Unschoolers and in fact for everybody!

  I often get asked the question about which websites we use to inspire our kids. So here is a basic list of some great websites.   The School in the Cloud https://www.theschoolinthecloud.org/big_questions

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If you don’t teach children how do they actually learn things?

  Here is an example of self directed learning. Our son has shown very little interest in learning to read. He is 9 and wants to be able to really read before he can actually read. So right now he absolutely

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Ted Talks, young geniuses, overwhelm and extreme admiration.

  We as of yet have no self-sustaining organic garden, our kids don’t know quite how to fashion wooden spoons out of a tree nor how to stick then roast an organically farmed pig. They are not musical

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