Tag Archives for " worldschooling "

Step Back and Give Them Freedom

    ‘Please put your shoes on’ were the words that came out of my mouth, we were about to walk to the beach. My son in his pyjama trousers, bare footed, free spirited. There are days

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What is Self Directed Learning?

Right now one daughter is the computer, on the Khan Academy, my other daughter is cooking, my son is on a new scooter that was kindly donated to him by another very generous worldschooler. The kids choose

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When sending your kids to school is just not working out anymore

Perhaps it is time to jump? Whilst sending our children to school I had a nagging feeling that I wasn’t telling the truth, to them or to myself. Do I have to go to school? Fake me; Yes Real Me; (No)

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Worldschooling doesn’t always go the way you think

At the moment I am sitting looking out to sea, I would take a picture but my phone like the fish that lies outside our caravan door is dead.  I sit on an orange chequered caravan cushion, our caravan

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