Tag Archives for " creativity "

Why we are running an alternative education camp

Because it is going to be so much fun! We really wanted to bring people together who have an interest in alternative education and who would like to immerse their children in a great week long experience

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Keeping Kids and Ourselves Creative is so Important in Challenging Times

When the news is all gloom and doom it is easy to give up and think ‘whats the point’ but I feel that now is the time to be extra creative, what ever that means to you. I was very lucky to

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Project based learning and Self-directed learning. Learning through what life is offering you…

    ‘Step away from the desks, grab your ideas children and fly beyond what you ever imagined could be possible.’   By the fluke of the universe, the way magic works and sheer

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If Schooling Kills Creativity Does Unschooling Bring Creativity Back to Life?

I love Ken Robinson’s talk but do schools kill creativity… To me the answer to that is yes and no, to me creativity never went away in the first place. Do Schools Kill Creativity? I don’t

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