Tag Archives for " fearlessness "

Some of your questions answered about Unschooling

Are you taking the kids out of society if they are not in school? Schooling is not the only gateway to social interaction or societal involvement. So yes we are definitely part of society. If you see society

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Worldschooling doesn’t always go the way you think

At the moment I am sitting looking out to sea, I would take a picture but my phone like the fish that lies outside our caravan door is dead.  I sit on an orange chequered caravan cushion, our caravan

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Unschooling, Community and Choosing to say Yes

  Fourteen children of varying ages troupe around here, sometimes together, sometimes in small groups. They are shoe-less school-less the sun is out and so are they. Their parents are all doing different

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Our mechanic crashed our car prior to going to this unschooling/homeschooling event. Yes, you read that right. So the five of us were left with a very small 4 seater car which belonged to the garage.

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Four Points to Fearless Living…

Fear and I have been really good mates, the fearful lady has lived rent free in my head for a long time, in fact the fearful lady over the years has entertained my inner gremlins and had a party in my

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A confidence crisis in the heart of Italy and how to be a girl cricketer.

The other day we were invited in to Perugia to go to a cricket match in a tiny weeny street in Perugia. We fell upon an international oasis of joy. There was an Australian team, headed up by one Australian

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