Tag Archives for " learning "

Great grades without years of schooling? Yes! Here is the recipe.

These self directed learners are on their way to A Levels. For me it is not about the grades at all, it is about their path, their journey and who they want to be and what they want to learn.

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Anthony We all get focused on those small important things in our lives. We become focused and attached to behaviours and things that we have decided are either important and that feel compelling, or

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Unschooling; How does learning go on outside of a classroom?

Kids just keep learning whether they are in school or not, they are designed to learn, they learn to walk, talk, eat, go to the toilet. They learn all these things naturally and when outside of the schooling

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The Best Time to Embrace Alternative Education is Now

We as a family are social distancing. I write this from my bed, my daughter is in isolation and coughing in the next door room, the other one is in here finishing her college essay, I can hear my son gaming

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How do Unschoolers take Exams?

Who knew that learning could be this easy, I know that there will be subjects that will tax the very limits of their brain but the lovely thing is, it comes from them. This is self directed learning, this

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When unschooling there is no such thing as a late reader

We carry on driving, there is the sound of three children turning pages. I watch the road and realize he is on his way. I am so happy that I have never made him learn to read and that this is his journey,

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What is Self Directed Learning?

Right now one daughter is the computer, on the Khan Academy, my other daughter is cooking, my son is on a new scooter that was kindly donated to him by another very generous worldschooler. The kids choose

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What is learning anyway?

An excerpt from ‘Jump, Fall, Fly’ written by Anthony Eldridge Rogers One of the main focuses of unschooling is related to learning. And out of this come many of the insecurities about alternative

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Life Without School

Our children do not go to school and they love it. They have no uniforms, there is no homework to be done, no tests to be taken, no sticker charts, no lunch boxes to pack, no exams to pass. If schooling

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This Week the Kids Helped Me Start a Business

Our kitchen is so loud, this is where we all work, play, cook and do our thing. Over the last few days our kitchen has become our office, our kitchen table has been a humming heaving mess of computers,

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