Tag Archives for " school in the cloud "

Great Websites for Homeschoolers, Unschoolers and in fact for everybody!

  I often get asked the question about which websites we use to inspire our kids. So here is a basic list of some great websites.   The School in the Cloud https://www.theschoolinthecloud.org/big_questions

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Learning without walls

Our kids classroom has no walls, as they have no classroom, they have no subjects that they have to study, they have no tests that they have to pass, they are doing it by themselves with me and other adults

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Am Excited as an Unschooling Mum to be part of Skype’s Literacy Campaign!

Some of you who follow my blog might be wondering why is Lehla doing a literacy campaign for schools?? When she is an unschooling Mum?!! Here are the reasons, I love the fact that that I can connect with

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Why we Hackschool and don’t bring traditional schooling in to our home

I want to explain that I won’t cry my eyes out and become very cross and upset if my son cannot read well yet, or even if he can’t get there in the next year, he is 10. Or if my daughters at

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Is it possible to do anything other than unschool (ie work) when you unschool your children?.

That is a question I ask myself a lot. Right now I am sitting the kitchen, I have a bowl of muesli to my left which my son made for me and my daughter is showing me the fact that our cat has dyed his three

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