Tag Archives for " technology "

RAISING THE FUTURE Podcast No 2 with Akilah Richards

CLICK TO PLAY We had the pleasure of talking to the inspiring, informative, warm hearted Akilah Richards. Here she talks about mothering, comunication, creativity, writing, self governance and she shares

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You don’t need to go to school to be a self made millionaire

This morning my husband shows me the Instagram account of a self made Italian millionairess who has made her fortune via Instagram. She just takes pictures of herself, in various outfits, looking sometimes

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A Parent’s Guide on how to make your children love reading. (Don’t)

The first thing I would say is don’t make children love reading, you can’t. Support their natural inspiration and drive to learn to read because they are curious and they want to. Some ideas on how

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CLICK TO PLAY A fascinating and uplifting conversation with Professor Peter Gray to start our new podcast series Peter Gray, Ph.D., research professor at Boston College, is author of Free to Learn (Basic

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Keeping Kids and Ourselves Creative is so Important in Challenging Times

When the news is all gloom and doom it is easy to give up and think ‘whats the point’ but I feel that now is the time to be extra creative, what ever that means to you. I was very lucky to

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Could Minecraft hold the key to the future of how kids learn…?

  ‘That is it I have got it, the future if education is Minecraft’ I say to my husband then he looks at me across the kitchen coffee in hand, ‘erm, am not sure you are right there’ he says.

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Are These Self Directed Learners Changing Learning as we know it?

There are some mornings where I wake up with another large family of five in our kitchen. Behind the bright sparky face of our son’s Minecraft buddy, I see this family waking up. They are in South

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Am Excited as an Unschooling Mum to be part of Skype’s Literacy Campaign!

Some of you who follow my blog might be wondering why is Lehla doing a literacy campaign for schools?? When she is an unschooling Mum?!! Here are the reasons, I love the fact that that I can connect with

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To All the Changemakers Embracing New Ways of Learning

  I was really intrigued by the fact that I was called a ‘junkie’ yesterday, admittedly a technology junkie but a ‘junkie’ all the same. In fact the whole family were called ‘Technology

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A Sonnet to Minecraft

I love the way you have been so thoughtful and that the music that twinkles in the background when you are present is actually very soothing to my adult ear. The way you guide my child through the land

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