Tag Archives for " workaway "

Project based learning and Self-directed learning. Learning through what life is offering you…

    ‘Step away from the desks, grab your ideas children and fly beyond what you ever imagined could be possible.’   By the fluke of the universe, the way magic works and sheer

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18 Steps to having a ‘Workaway’ person help your family.

  Workaway is a website that’s aim is to help people who are travelling to find a place to stay for free in exchange for helping their hosts. By creating a swap between the host and the traveller

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Unschooling, parenting and getting help.

I cannot do unschooling on my own. So I don’t. I open up the doors, and let other people in. I have an in-built hero habit, where I try to do it all which ultimately serves no one, least of all the

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Outsider on the Inside

Ok, So my name is Hattie (Hattie-Boo, Hat, Hats, Harriet) I am from the north of England. I am a ‘workaway’ for this awesome family. I lived with them for five weeks in summer and I absolutely

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