Unschooling The Kids. The Book

If writing a book is like building a house, then I think I thought our unschooling book would be a neat, smallish modern build with windows letting light in and a breeze flowing through it. The words would be the bricks, the ideas possibly the cement or the light fittings, the flowing space inside and out could be the children. It didn’t seem too huge a project when I thought we were building a house…

But I think we have built a village.

The more we have written the deeper we have gone. The book isn’t just about Unschooling anymore, it is about life, it is about being a parent, it is about navigating the choppy seas of trying to do what is best and then questioning everything. Because of this it has taken so much time and thought.

If our house was to have once had a name it would have been ‘Unschooling’ but now I think it is going to change, as the book is more than just that word.

For all of you who have lovingly supported our ‘build’ I want you to know that it is coming, the village will be open to the public soon. Thank you for waiting and then the waiting a bit more.

  • I’m looking forward to reading it now even more, than I did before! Can’t wait. Well done you guys. xxx

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